How To Teach A Dog To Spinal Walk? (Step By Step Guide)

Teaching a dog to spinal walk, also known as walking on their hind legs, is a unique and impressive trick that can be a fun and entertaining activity for both you and your furry friend.  

To teach your dog how to do a spinal walk, begin by using tasty treats and lots of praise to help them balance on their hind legs while taking small steps forward. As your dog gets better at it, make the walks a little longer each time, and remember to reward them when they do a good job and keep practicing.

From understanding the challenges involved in teaching dogs this unique trick to offering effective solutions and techniques, In this blog post, we will provide you with all the information you need to embark on this exciting training journey. So, let’s dive into how to teach a dog to spinal walk and unlock the potential for your dog to spinal-walking.

What Is Spinal Walking?

Dog spinal walking, also known as “spinal gait,” is a condition where a dog has lost control of its hind legs due to a spinal cord injury or neurological issue. In this situation, the dog may still be able to move its legs, but it lacks the normal coordination and balance needed for walking.

Can Every Dog Learn To Spinal Walk?

Not every dog with a spinal injury can learn to “spinal walk.” The ability to regain mobility after a spinal cord injury depends on various factors, including the nature and severity of the injury. 

how to teach a dog to spinal walk

Some dogs may recover partial mobility with the right treatment, rehabilitation, and supportive care, while others may not regain the ability to walk on their hind legs. 

It’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian or a specialist experienced in spinal injuries to assess the individual dog’s condition and determine the most appropriate treatment and rehabilitation plan. Every case is unique, and the prognosis can vary widely.

Preparing Dog Spinal Walk

Before you teach your dog to spinal walk, it’s essential to make sure they are physically and mentally ready for the training. Here are some important steps to prepare your furry friend:

  • Consult a Specialist: Talk to a vet who knows about spinal cord injuries to get expert advice.
  • Safe Environment: Remove anything in the training area that could cause accidents and make it safe for your dog.
  • Use Support: Consider using harnesses or slings to help your dog stay stable and avoid further injuries.
  • Start Slow: Begin with short training sessions, and gradually increase the time to help your dog regain their balance.
  • Rewards: Motivate your dog by giving them treats, praise, or toys during training to make it enjoyable for them.

How To Teach A Dog To Spinal Walk? (Step By Step Step)

It should be noted that spinal walking is typically performed under the guidance of a veterinarian or a professional animal rehabilitation therapist. Here are the general steps on how to teach a dog to spinal walk.

how to teach a dog to spinal walk

1. Warm-Up

Before you start training your dog to spinal walk, engage in a warm-up session. Spend some time playing or walking with your dog to get them in the right mood and to ensure they are physically prepared for training.

2. Sit and Stay

Ask your dog to “sit” and “stay” in a comfortable and quiet environment. Make sure there are no distractions that could disrupt your training session.

3. Lure with Treats

Hold a treat just above your dog’s nose, and then slowly raise it upward and slightly towards their back. Your dog will naturally follow the treat with their nose, and as they do, they will begin to lift their front paws off the ground. As soon as their front paws lift, reward them with a treat and lots of praise.

4. Balance Training

Practice balancing with your dog by allowing them to stand on their hind legs for a few seconds at a time. Gradually increase the duration as your dog becomes more comfortable with this position. Be sure to support their back with your hand, so they don’t put too much strain on it.

5. Walk Forward

Once your dog can balance on their hind legs for a few seconds, you can try moving forward. You can use a treat to encourage them to take a step forward while on their hind legs. Make sure to support their back to prevent injury.

6. Repeat and Practice

Consistency is key in training any trick. Practice this routine regularly, but keep the sessions short, as this is physically demanding for your dog. Always end the training session on a positive note, even if they can only perform the trick briefly.

7. Refine the Trick

As your dog becomes more adept at spinal walking, you can refine the trick by adding verbal cues, like saying “spinal walk” when you want them to perform it. Eventually, you can phase out the need for treats and use verbal praise and affection as rewards instead.

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Safety Considerations 

Safety is of utmost importance when teaching a dog to spinal walk, especially if the dog has a spinal cord injury. Here are some key safety considerations to keep in mind:

how to teach a dog to spinal walk

1. Consult With A Veterinarian

Always consult with a veterinarian or a professional rehabilitation therapist before attempting spinal walking. They can assess your dog’s condition and provide guidance on whether spinal walking is appropriate and safe for your dog.

2. Proper Equipment

Ensure that you are using the right equipment for your dog, such as a well-fitted dog wheelchair or support harness. The equipment should be in good condition and adjusted to your dog’s size and needs.

3. Supervision

Never leave your dog unattended during spinal walking sessions. Hold a close eye on them to ensure their safety and comfort.

4. Non-Slip Surface

Use non-slip mats or ensure that the surface where you are practicing spinal walking is slip-resistant to prevent accidents or injuries.

5. Safety Straps

If using a wheelchair or harness, make sure to secure your dog with safety straps to prevent them from falling out or getting tangled.

6. Gentle Handling

Be gentle when lifting your dog’s hind legs and providing support. Avoid causing pain or discomfort during the process.

7. Regular Breaks

Give your dog regular breaks to prevent exhaustion and overexertion. Overworking them can lead to strain or injury.

8. Keep Distractions to a Minimum

Practice spinal walking in a quiet and distraction-free environment to help your dog focus and feel at ease.

Read More:- How to stop a dog from walking under your feet.

Spinal Walking With Your Dog Alternatives

If spinal walking with your dog is not a suitable option due to your dog’s condition, here are some alternative approaches to help improve their mobility and overall well-being.

how to teach a dog to spinal walk

1. Physical Therapy

Consult with a professional animal physical therapist or rehabilitation specialist. They can design a personalized rehabilitation program to address your dog’s specific needs, which may include exercises, stretching, and hydrotherapy.

2. Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy involves exercising your dog in water, which can reduce the impact on their joints and aid in muscle strengthening. It’s particularly helpful for dogs with mobility issues.

3. Assistive Devices

Consider using assistive devices such as rear-end support slings, hip harnesses, or doggy carts to help your dog move around more comfortably and independently.

4. Balance and Stability Exercises

Engage your dog in balance and stability exercises to help improve their core strength. These exercises can be done under the guidance of a professional or with the use of specialized equipment.

5. Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy for dogs includes techniques like massage, acupuncture, and laser therapy, which can help alleviate pain and promote healing in dogs with spinal cord injuries or mobility issues.

6. Acupuncture and Chiropractic Care

Some dogs benefit from acupuncture and chiropractic treatments to relieve pain and improve overall mobility. These treatments should be performed by qualified and experienced practitioners.

7. Companionship and Mental Stimulation

Spend quality time with your dog, provide mental stimulation through puzzles and interactive toys, and ensure they have companionship to maintain their emotional well-being.

Read More:- Why do dogs go crazy after a walk.

Training Tips And Techniques 

When working with a dog with spinal cord injuries or mobility challenges, training tips and techniques should be adapted to their specific needs and abilities. Here are some training tips and techniques to consider.

  • Monitor your dog’s comfort level. If they seem uncomfortable, stop the training session immediately.
  • Never force your dog into this position. Always use positive reinforcement and treats to encourage them.
  • Gradually increase the time your dog spends in the spinal walking position to build their strength and stamina.
  • Consider using a harness or a small towel under your dog’s belly to provide support while they’re learning.
  • Always prioritize your dog’s safety and well-being. If you notice any signs of strain or discomfort, stop the training and consult with a veterinarian.
How to teach a dog to spinal walk?

Conclusion “How To Teach A Dog To Spinal Walk”

Teaching a dog to spinal walk requires patience, care, and professional guidance. It’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian or rehabilitation specialist to ensure that the technique is appropriate for your dog’s specific condition. 

Using the right equipment, gentle handling, and positive reinforcement are essential for their safety and motivation. Adapt training techniques to your dog’s abilities, keep sessions short and consistent, and monitor their comfort throughout. 

The process can be slow, but with dedication and customized training, many dogs with spinal cord injuries can regain some mobility, improving their quality of life.

NOTE:- Further information can be found by clicking this link.


1. Can a paralyzed dog ever walk again?

In some cases, with medical treatment, physical therapy, and time, paralyzed dogs can regain some mobility. However, the extent of recovery varies, and not all dogs can fully walk again.

2. Can a paralyzed dog live a happy life?

Yes, a paralyzed dog can live a happy life. With proper care, support, and love from their owners, they can enjoy a fulfilling life, adapt to their condition, and experience joy and contentment.

3. How long does it take for a paralyzed dog to walk?

Most paralyzed dogs can regain their ability to walk with proper care and therapy. It typically takes several months for them to fully recover, as per certified canine rehabilitation therapist Jessica Bunch.

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