Why Do Dogs Look Away When You Look At Them? (10 Reasons & Tips)

If your dog turns its head away when you look at it, you might be wondering why do dogs look away and how to deal with it. The reason for this may be due to a number of factors.

Your dog could be trying to show that it’s being polite or submissive, it might think it did something wrong, it could believe you’re upset with it, or it may be feeling a bit scared.

Several things could be causing this behavior, and it might be a mix of them. To figure out the main reason why do dogs look away when you look at them and how to help, consider these factors and remember there are steps you can take to address it.

Why Do Dogs Look Away When You Look At Them?

Dogs have a multitude of ways to communicate with us and with each other, and one common behavior is the dog looking away when we make eye contact with them. This action can signify various things, and here are the possible reasons why do dogs look away from you.

why does my dog look away when i look him in the eye

1. Submission

In a multi-dog household or when dogs interact with other animals, they often use eye contact to establish a social hierarchy. If one dog perceives another as dominant or assertive, they might avert their gaze as a sign of submission. So, when your dog looks away from you, it could be related to their perception of their own or your social status within the household.

2. Avoiding Conflict

A renowned expert in canine behavior, Dr. Stanley Coren’s research, has shown that dogs are highly sensitive to human emotions. They can easily sense human intentions and emotional states, and they might look away to avoid conflict if they sense tension or aggression in their owner’s body language or expression. 

This behavior is particularly evident in dogs with a history of abuse or mistreatment. If a dog has learned that eye contact can lead to negative outcomes, they will naturally avoid it as a survival strategy.

3. Sign of Trust and Affection

On the flip side, looking away can also be a sign of trust and affection. When a dog avoids direct eye contact, they may be signaling that they are comfortable in your presence and do not see you as a threat. This is particularly common in well-socialized and bonded dogs. So, while it may seem like they are avoiding your gaze, they might simply be expressing their love and trust.

4. Playfulness

Dogs often use eye contact and look away during play. It’s a part of their playful behavior, inviting you to join in the fun or signaling their mood for playtime.

5. Respect for Personal Space

Just like humans have personal boundaries and need personal space, dogs also have their comfort zones. When a dog looks away when you look at them, it may simply be a way of respecting their personal space.

why do dogs look away from you

They might not be in the mood for interaction or play at that moment, and looking away is a polite way of signaling their need for some alone time. 

6. Avoiding Intimidation

If your dog has had negative experiences with people or has been scolded frequently, it may look away to avoid appearing threatening or intimidating.

7. Sensitivity to Light

Sometimes, dogs look away because they are sensitive to light. Bright sunlight or a direct source of light can make them turn their head to avoid glare.

8. Health Issues

Sudden or consistent avoidance of eye contact can be a sign of an underlying health issue causing discomfort or pain. 

9. Aging

As dogs age, their vision and hearing can decline. Older dogs may look away simply because they may not see or hear as well as they used to.

10. Stress and Anxiety

Dogs use their entire body, including their eyes, to communicate their feelings. Avoiding eye contact can be a way for a dog to communicate that they are stressed or anxious. When a dog is in an uncomfortable situation or feels threatened, they may avert their gaze to avoid conflict or aggression.

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Why Does My Dog Look Away When I Talk To Him?

Dogs may look away when you talk to them for a variety of reasons, and their behavior can be influenced by their individual personalities and the context of the interaction. Here are some common reasons why your dog might look away when you speak to them.

why does my dog look away when I talk to him

1. Lack of Interest

Dogs have their own interests and may not always be focused on what you’re saying. If there are more exciting or distracting things happening around them, they might not pay much attention to you.

2. Distraction

Dogs can easily get distracted by their surroundings, especially if there are interesting sights, sounds, or scents in the environment. When they look away, it may be because they are focusing on something else.

3. Communication Style

Dogs primarily communicate through body language, and they may not fully understand or respond to human words. They may rely more on your tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language to understand your message.

4. Fatigue or Discomfort

If your dog is tired, in pain, or not feeling well, they may look away because they are not in the mood for interaction.

5. Breed and Individual Differences

The behavior of dogs can vary based on their breed and individual personality. Some breeds are known to be more reserved, while others are more sociable and eager to make eye contact.

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Should You Worry About If Your Dog Looks Away From You?

If your dog looks away from you, there is usually no need to worry. However, if your dog’s behavior changes significantly and they start avoiding eye contact consistently or display other unusual behaviors, it may be a good idea to consult with a vet or a professional dog trainer.

Read More:- Why do dogs ignore you sometimes.

What To Do If Your Dog Looks Away From You?

If your dog looks away from you, it’s important to assess the context and the dog’s overall behavior to determine the appropriate response. Here are some steps to consider.

why does my dog look away when i look in his eyes
  1. Observe the Situation: Pay attention to the circumstances surrounding your dog’s behavior. Are they in a new or potentially stressful environment? Is there something that might be making them uncomfortable or anxious?
  2. Stay Calm: Avoid reacting with frustration or anger, as this can escalate the situation. It’s essential to remain calm and patient.
  3. Use Positive Reinforcement: If your dog looks away when you’re trying to engage with them or give a command, use positive reinforcement. Reward them with treats, praise, or affection when they make eye contact or respond to your cues. This encourages them to pay attention to you.
  4. Check for Health Issues: Sudden changes in behavior, including avoiding eye contact, could be a sign of an underlying health issue. If your dog’s avoidance of eye contact is accompanied by other unusual behaviors or symptoms, consult with a veterinarian to rule out any medical concerns.
  5. Build Trust: It’s important to build a strong bond of trust and communication with your dog over time. Spend quality time together, engage in regular training sessions, and be patient and consistent in your interactions.
Why do dogs look away when you look at them?

Conclusion “Why Do Dogs Look Away When You Look At Them”

The behavior of dogs looking away when we make eye contact with them can be influenced by a variety of factors, including their trust and affection, stress, personal space, and social hierarchy. It is crucial for dog owners to understand and respect these signals as a way to maintain a healthy and happy relationship with their pets. 

Observing and interpreting your dog’s body language and behavior can help you build a stronger bond and ensure that your furry friend feels safe, secure, and loved in your presence.


1. Why should you not stare a dog in the eyes?

Staring a dog in the eyes can be perceived as a threat or challenge in canine communication. It may make the dog uncomfortable, anxious, or even provoke aggressive behavior. To maintain a positive interaction, it’s better to avoid prolonged direct eye contact with unfamiliar dogs.

2. Why do dogs look away when you show them what they did?

Dogs often look away when shown what they did wrong because they interpret direct eye contact as confrontational or a sign of displeasure, and they may be trying to appease or avoid potential conflict.

3. Why do dogs look away when you point a camera at them?

Dogs often look away when a camera is pointed at them because the camera, especially with a flash or unfamiliar noise, can be perceived as a potential threat or stressor, leading them to avert their gaze.

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