Why Does My Dog Lick Me After I Shower? (7 Reasons) 2023

After a refreshing shower, many dog owners may have noticed that their dogs start licking them. The reason your dog keeps licking you when you get out of the shower is not known scientifically, but two veterinarians have some theories. The most likely reason is that they lick you as a sign of affection and seek attention or smell your body wash or lotion. So, In this blog post, we will explore the possible reasons why does my dog lick me after I shower and discuss in detail how will you react and how will you stop this dog behavior. Understanding why does my dog lick me after a shower can make a good relationship between you and your furry friend. So, Let’s take a look.

Why Does My Dog Lick Me After I Shower? (7 Reasons)

There could be several reasons why your dog licks you after your shower. The following are some possible reasons.

  • Attention Seeking
  • Affection
  • Salt and Moisture
  • Taste of Personal Care Products
  • Cleanliness
  • Familiarity
  • Submissive Behavior

1. Attention Seeking

Dogs view their owners as a source of companionship and love. When they lick you after your shower, they are seeking attention from you. They want to let you know they are there for you and want to be near you.

why does my dog lick me after i shower

2. Affection

The act of licking is one of the ways dogs show affection to each other. Your dog may lick your skin to show you that they care for you and want to bond with you. It’s their way of expressing their attachment and closeness.

why does my dog lick me after i shower

3. Salt and Moisture

Our skin contains salt and moisture, especially after a shower. Dogs have a keen sense of smell and taste, and they find the saltiness or dampness on your skin interesting, leading them to lick you after the shower.

why does my dog lick me after i shower

4. Taste of Personal Care Products

Another reason why does my dog lick me when i get out of the shower is because of the taste of personal care products. Dogs have a strong sense of smell and be attracted to the scents and flavors of the personal care products you use during your shower. For example, if your shampoo or soap has a pleasant aroma, it is possible that your dog licking you to get a taste of those scents.

why does my dog lick me after i shower

5. Cleanliness

Dogs have a natural instinct to groom themselves and pack members. They might lick you after a shower because they want to help maintain your hygiene by licking away any remaining dirt or odors.

why does my dog lick me after i shower

6. Familiarity

The smell and taste of your skin change after a shower, and your dog may lick you to reestablish familiarity. Dogs use their sense of taste and smell to recognize their owners and other members of their pack, so licking you after a shower could be their way of reaffirming your identity.

why does my dog lick me after i shower

7. Submissive Behavior

Another reason why does my dog lick me after shower is because they are showing submission to you. Licking is one-way dogs show submission and respect to someone they view as a leader.

why does my dog lick me after i shower

Why Do Dogs Lick Your Legs After A Shower?

Dogs also lick your legs after your shower for the same reasons they lick your skin that I mentioned earlier. Your legs contain moisture and salt just like the rest of your body, and your dog may be attracted to that.

why does my dog lick me after i shower

Additionally, your legs may have a residual scent from your soap or lotion which your dog finds interesting.

Don’t forget to also check out:Why do dogs smack their lips when being petted.

Why Does My Dog Lick Me After I Put on Lotion?

Dogs lick you after you put on lotion because the scent and texture of the lotion are intriguing to them. Lotion and sunscreen have a different smell and feel compared to the natural scents and textures dogs are accustomed to. They might lick the lotion in an effort to clean you or because it tastes strange. It’s crucial to remember that excessive dog licking of moisturizer or sunscreen might be dangerous.

why does my dog lick me after i shower

While the occasional lick is usually safe, it’s best to keep them from consuming too much because some of the substances in these items might not be suitable for them to consume.

Is It Normal For My Dog to Lick Me When I Get Out of The Shower?

Yes, it is normal behavior for dogs to lick their owners after they get out of the shower. As mentioned earlier, they may be seeking attention or showing affection. Licking is also a way of marking their territory and showing respect.

why does my dog lick me after i shower

Should You Worry?

There is no cause for concern unless your dog is licking excessively or obsessionally. The best course of action is always to visit a veterinarian if you notice any unusual behavior.

Does It Make You Unhygienic To Let Your Dog Lick You?

No, letting your dog lick you does not make you unhygienic. To stop the transmission of bacteria, you should always properly wash your hands and skin after being licked by your dog.

why does my dog lick me after i shower

Recommended Also Read:- How to stop a dog from walking under your feet (Reasons & Tips).

Is It Safe For Your Dog To Lick You After You Take A Shower?

In general, it is okay for your dog to lick you after a shower. Both Drs. Davis and Lee concur that as long as they are not ingested in huge quantities, the majority of human-grade products are safe for dogs.

why does my dog lick me after i shower

However, it is better to wait if you have just used a new personal care product to make sure it won’t damage your dog before letting it lick you.

How Should You React To The Licking of Your Dog?

Be strong and use positive reinforcement to teach your dog not to lick you after the shower if you don’t want them to. A toy or an incentive for good behavior are other ways to divert their attention.

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The Best Way To Stop Your Dog From Licking You After A Shower

If you’re looking to stop your dog from licking you after a shower, here are some effective ways to manage and discourage the behavior.

1. Train Your Dog To Have An Alternative Behavior

One of the most effective ways to prevent your dog from licking you after a shower is to redirect their attention and provide an alternative behavior. For example, teach your dog a specific command such as “sit” or “Leave it” and reward them with treats and praise when they follow the command.

why does my dog lick me after i shower

By consistently reinforcing this behavior, your dog will learn to associate positive reinforcement with the alternative action rather than licking.

2. Positive Reinforcement Techniques

The use of positive reinforcement is one of the most powerful tools in dog training. To prevent your dog from licking you after a shower, reward them for desired behaviors and ignore or redirect them when they start licking. Whenever your dog refrains from licking or engages in an alternative behavior, offer praise, treats, or a favorite toy as a reward.

why does my dog lick me after i shower

Over time, your dog will understand that not licking leads to positive outcomes, making them more likely to repeat the desired behavior.

3. Reinforce Boundaries

Dogs thrive on clear boundaries and consistent reinforcement. After taking a shower, establish a specific space or area where your dog is not allowed to approach or lick you. Use a baby gate or close the door to create a physical barrier if necessary. When your dog tries to lick you, calmly redirect their attention to a toy or treat, or gently push them away while firmly saying “no lick.” Over time, your dog will understand that licking you after a shower is not acceptable.

Why does my dog lick me after I shower?

Conclusion “Why Does My Dog Lick Me After I Shower”

There are many reasons why your dog lick you after you shower. It could be for attention, affection, salt and moisture, the taste of personal care products, cleanliness, familiarity, and submissive behavior. It is normal behavior for dogs to lick their owners after a shower, and unless there’s any abnormal behavior or dog excessive licking, there is nothing to worry about. Remember to always practice good hygiene, and if needed, train your dog to stop licking you after a shower. However, if the licking becomes excessive or bothersome, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer to ensure your pet’s well-being and address any underlying issues.

NOTE:– If you want more information then check out the link.


1. Why do dogs lick after bath?

Dogs may lick people after a bath to investigate water droplets or the smell of body products, rather than as a sign of affection.

2. Why do dogs like to lick dry skin?

Dogs lick dry skin to alleviate itchiness caused by flea bites, allergies, or skin issues. It provides temporary relief from the scratchy sensation they experience.

3. Is it good for dogs to lick your legs?

Yes, it is generally normal and can be a sign of bonding and comfort for dogs to lick your legs.

4. Is it clean if my dog licks me?

It is generally considered clean if your dog licks you, but it’s best to avoid letting them lick your face, especially the nose, mouth, and eyes.

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