Why Does My Dog Lick Me When We Cuddle? (9 Reasons & Solution)

Dogs have a special way of showing affection, and one of their delightful behaviors is licking their owners during cuddle time. But, why do dogs behave this way? 

So, when your furry friend licks you, it’s often a sign of love and trust. Dogs use licking to communicate, much like humans use words. It’s their way of saying, “I care about you!” 

In this blog post, we will explore the various reasons why does my dog lick me when we cuddle and if it’s something to worry about.

Why Does My Dog Lick Me When We Cuddle? (9 Reasons)

Your dog’s habit of licking you while you cuddle can be attributed to several reasons, each reflecting different aspects of their behavior and emotions.

why does my dog lick me when we cuddle

1. Affection and Bonding

Dogs are social animals that thrive on forming strong bonds with their pack members, including their human family. Licking is a way for them to show affection and reinforce their emotional connection with you. When your dog licks you during cuddling, it’s likely a sign that they feel close to you and enjoy your companionship.

2. Communication

Another reason why does my dog always lick me when I pet her is Communication. Body language, vocalizations, and behaviors are all used by dogs to communicate. Licking is one of their ways to communicate with you. By licking your skin or face, they may be expressing their feelings of happiness, contentment, and trust. This is their nonverbal way of saying, “I am happy to be with you.”

3. Sensory Exploration

Dogs have super senses, especially when it comes to smell and taste. When they lick you, they are exploring your scent and taste. Your skin carries unique scents that can tell them about your recent activities, emotions, and even your health. This behavior allows them to gather information about you, helping them understand and connect with you.

4. Expressing Affection and Submission

Have you noticed how your dog loves to lick your face or hands? That’s their way of saying, “I love you!” Dogs naturally groom to bond with each other, and licking us is a sign of that same bonding. It’s also a way for them to show that they respect us and see us as their family.

5. Grooming Instinct

Licking is a natural grooming behavior for dogs. Puppies are licked by their mothers to help them stay clean and stimulate their bodily functions. This grooming instinct can carry over to their interactions with you. When they lick you, they may be demonstrating their caregiving tendencies, as if they are grooming you to show care and attention.

why does my dog lick me when we cuddle

6. Attention-Seeking

Dogs are perceptive creatures and quickly learn what behaviors lead to positive outcomes. If your dog has learned that licking results in your attention, they might use this behavior as a way to get closer to you and receive affection. During cuddle sessions, they may lick you to engage your attention and extend the bonding time.

7. Relaxation and Comfort

Cuddling is often associated with relaxation and comfort for dogs. Just as you might stroke their fur to help them feel at ease, licking is their way of providing comfort to themselves and to you. The rhythmic motion of licking can be soothing, making cuddle time a more relaxing experience for both of you.

8. Expression of Happiness

Another reason why does my dog lick me when we cuddle is to express happiness. Dogs have a unique way of showing their emotions, and licking can be a sign of their joy and excitement. If your dog is particularly enthusiastic during cuddle time, their licking might be a way of expressing their happiness and enthusiasm for being close to you.

9. Taste and Texture

Your skin might have an appealing taste to your dog due to the natural oils and salts on your skin. Some dogs simply enjoy the taste and texture of human skin, which could contribute to their licking behavior.

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Should You Let Your Dog Licking When You Cuddle Them?

It’s generally safe to let your dog lick you when you cuddle them, but there are a few things to consider. Sometimes their mouths might have germs or bacteria that can be transferred to you. 

why does my dog always lick me when i pet her

If you or your dog are sick, it’s better to avoid letting them lick you to prevent spreading germs. Also, some people might be allergic to dog saliva, so be mindful of that.

Regular grooming and dental care for your dog can help keep their mouth cleaner. If you’re okay with the licking, make sure to clean your hands and any areas that were licked afterward. 

Always pay attention to your dog’s behavior – if they seem overly anxious or obsessive about licking, it might be a sign of an underlying issue that needs attention.

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Should You Worry About About Your Dog Licking When You Cuddle Them?

You don’t need to worry much about your dog licking you when you cuddle them. But be cautious if they lick excessively, as it might indicate a health issue. 

why does my dog lick me

Also, if you’re uncomfortable with the licking, you can gently redirect their attention or teach them a command to stop. Just make sure your dog’s licking doesn’t cause irritation. 

Should You Stop Your Dog Licking When You Cuddle Them?

Some dogs might lick excessively, which can lead to skin irritation. Also, if you have a small cut or wound, it’s best to avoid letting them lick it to prevent infection. 

why does my dog lick me when we cuddle

Always make sure your dog is healthy and up-to-date on vaccinations. If you’re uncomfortable with the licking, you can gently redirect their attention or train them to lick less. 

Read More:- Why do dogs get excited when you come home.

How to Stop Your Dog From Licking You When You Cuddle Them?

If you love cuddling with your furry friend but wish they wouldn’t shower you with wet kisses, don’t worry, there are simple ways to teach your dog to cuddle without all the licking. Here’s how you can help your dog learn to cuddle without excessive licking.

why does my dog lick me when we cuddle
  1. Redirect Attention: When your dog starts licking during cuddle time, gently redirect their attention. You can offer a favorite toy or treat to engage them in a different way. This helps them associate cuddling with positive interactions other than licking.
  2. Use Commands: Basic obedience commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “lie down” can be very helpful during cuddle sessions. Ask your dog to perform these commands before cuddling, and reward them with affection and treats for following your instructions. This creates a positive link between cuddles and following commands.
  3. Positive Reinforcement: Whenever your dog shows restraint from licking during cuddles, offer praise, petting, and treats. Positive reinforcement encourages them to repeat the behavior they want to see.
  4. Teach “Leave It”: Train your dog to respond to the “leave it” command. This command can be used to stop them from licking or engaging in any unwanted behavior. When they stop licking on command, reward them with treats and cuddles.
  5. Short Sessions: If your dog tends to get overly excited and licks excessively during cuddle time, keep the sessions short initially. Gradually increase the time as they learn to remain calm without excessive licking.
  6. Provide Distractions: Offer a chew toy or puzzle toy during cuddle time. This gives your dog something to focus on other than licking.
  7. Practice Calm Behavior: Encourage calm behavior from your dog before cuddling. If the dog is already excited and hyperactive, they’re more likely to express their excitement through licking. Wait until they’ve settled down before initiating cuddle time.
  8. Monitor Triggers: Pay attention to what triggers excessive licking in your dog. It could be excitement, anxiety, or a way to seek attention. By identifying the triggers, you can work on minimizing them and reducing the licking behavior.
Why does my dog lick me when we cuddle?

Conclusion “Why Does My Dog Lick Me When We Cuddle”

Your dog’s licking when you cuddle is a sign of affection and bonding. Dogs have a unique way of showing their feelings, and licking is one of their ways to express love and closeness. It’s like a gentle hug or a kiss in their language. 

This behavior originates from their puppyhood, where mother dogs would lick their puppies to groom them and show care. So, when your dog licks you during cuddle time, it’s their way of saying “I love you” and reinforcing the special connection you share. 

NOTE:- More information can be found by clicking this link.


1. Why does my dog lick me when I hug them?

Your dog may lick you while you hug them as a sign of affection and communication. Licking is a natural behavior in dogs that expresses their bond with you and their desire for interaction. It’s a way for them to show their love and reinforce the connection between you both.

2. How do I know my dog loves me?

Your dog likely loves you if it shows excitement when you return, seeks physical contact, wags their tail, makes eye contact, and follows you around. Displaying trust, comfort, and affection through these behaviors indicates a strong bond and love between you and your furry friend.

3. Is a dog licking you their way of kissing?

Yes, a dog’s licking behavior is often considered a form of affection akin to kissing. Dogs use licking to show their love, establish social bonds, and communicate. It’s a way for them to express their emotions and connect with their human companions.

4. Do dogs feel love when you kiss them?

Dogs interpret affection differently than humans. While they may not perceive kisses as humans do, they do understand physical contact and positive tones. Your dog appreciates attention and closeness, forming a bond that resembles human love, even if their experience differs from ours.

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