Why Does My Dog Randomly Kick Me When Lying Down? (Reasons & How Will Stop) 2023

If you’re a dog owner, you may have experienced your furry friend randomly kicking you while they’re lying down. At first, it might seem like aggressive behavior, but don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal. Dogs have a natural instinct to scratch and kick before settling down, similar to how they would prepare their sleeping spot in the wild. This behavior is an innate reflex, and it’s their way of ensuring they’re comfortable and secure before falling asleep. So, why does my dog randomly kick me when lying down? In this blog post, I have explained the reasons and how you can stop this dog’s behavior.

(Reasons) Why Does My Dog Randomly Kick Me When Lying Down

  • Reflexive Scratching
  • Playing
  • Excited
  • Marking Territory
  • Feeling Threatened or Insecure 
  • Hungry
  • Angry
  • Scared 
  • Confused 
  • Feels Stressed
  • Digging Behaviors
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Do To Pain 
  • Overheating
  • Cold Temperatures
  • Seizures
  • Sleep-Kicking

1. Reflexive Scratching

Why does my dog randomly kick me when lying down?

When dogs lie down and start kicking with their hind legs, it’s often a reflexive scratching behavior. This behavior is a leftover from their wild ancestors who would scratch the ground to make a comfortable nest or to cover up their scent. Dogs may also kick to relieve an itch or to scratch an area that’s difficult to reach with their mouth. So, if your dog randomly kicks you while lying down, it’s likely just their natural reflexive scratching behavior.

2. Playing

One possible reason for your dog’s kicking behavior while lying down is that they are simply playing. Dogs sometimes exhibit playful behavior like kicking their legs while lying down as a way of engaging with their owners or other dogs. This is often seen in puppies or young dogs who have a lot of energy and enjoy playful interaction. If your dog seems happy and playful during these moments, it is likely that they are just having fun.

3. Excited

Why does my dog randomly kick me when lying down?

If your dog kicks you while lying down, it might be a sign of excitement or a request for something. This behavior could indicate that your dog needs to go outside, is hungry or thirsty, or is simply content to be with you. Paying attention to your pet’s body language and other behaviors can help you determine what they need or want when they display this behavior.

4. Marking Territory

When dogs kick their hind legs while lying down, it is often a natural instinct known as marking territory. The behavior is a throwback to when dogs had to create a cozy sleeping area in the wild. By digging and scratching at the ground, dogs would make the area more comfortable while leaving their scent. This behavior is more commonly seen in male dogs, especially those that have not been neutered.

5. Feeling Threatened or Insecure 

When dogs are lying down and suddenly kick, it could be a sign that they feel threatened or insecure. This behavior is commonly seen in dogs when they are trying to protect their personal space or when they feel vulnerable. Dogs use their hind legs to kick as a defense mechanism to keep potential threats at bay. It’s important to observe your dog’s body language and understand its behavior to avoid any aggressive reactions. 

6. Hungry

If your dog kicks you while lying down, One possible reason is that your dog is trying to get your attention because he is hungry. Dogs may nudge or paw at their owners to communicate that they need food, water, or a treat.

7. Angry

Why does my dog randomly kick me when lying down?

If a dog is angry, it may display signs of discomfort such as growling, barking, or kicking, particularly when they are lying down. It’s essential to recognize that these behaviors are not a reflection of the owner’s actions, but rather an indication that the dog is experiencing some level of discomfort. Owners should pay attention to these signs.

8. Scared 

It is possible that when your dog randomly kicks you while lying down, it is a sign that they are feeling scared or anxious. Dogs may exhibit this behavior when they are startled by loud noises or unfamiliar objects. They may also feel the need to protect themselves by kicking out at perceived threats. It is important to observe your dog’s behavior and provide a safe and comfortable environment to help alleviate their fears.

9. Confused 

It’s possible that your dog is kicking you when lying down because he’s confused. Dogs can become overwhelmed by their environment, which can lead to anxiety and even aggression. This confusion can be caused by loud noises or other stimuli the dog doesn’t understand. It’s important to help your dog learn how to handle these situations so he can feel more comfortable and less confused.

10. Feels Stressed

If your dog kicks you when lying down, it may indicate that he is feeling stressed. This behavior could be triggered by various factors such as fear, anxiety, or discomfort. Dogs may also exhibit other signs of stress, such as barking, whining, or hiding. It is crucial to identify the cause of your dog’s stress and address it promptly to ensure his well-being. Providing a calming environment, plenty of exercises, and playtime.

11. Digging Behaviors

Digging behavior in dogs refers to the act of scratching or digging at a surface, such as a floor, a blanket, or a bed, before settling down to rest. Dogs instinctively do this to create a comfortable spot to sleep, as it allows them to adjust the surface to their liking. Although this behavior can seem random or even frustrating to some owners, it is a natural and common behavior in dogs. Therefore, it is essential to provide dogs with a suitable sleeping area.

12. Muscle Spasms

Why does my dog randomly kick me when lying down?

It’s possible that your dog is experiencing muscle spasms when kicking you while lying down. Muscle spasms are involuntary muscle contractions that can be caused by a variety of factors such as dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, or nerve damage. In some cases, muscle spasms can also be a sign of underlying medical conditions such as arthritis or neurological disorders. You should take your dog’s kicking behavior to the veterinarian, In case of muscle spasms.

13. Do To Pain 

If your dog is kicking while lying down, it may be due to pain from arthritis. This is especially common in older dogs, as they are more likely to develop arthritis. To help alleviate their pain, it is important to take your dog to a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. Don’t ignore their discomfort as it can negatively affect their quality of life.

14. Overheating

While kicking during sleep may simply be a normal movement for some dogs, it could also be a sign of discomfort or a health issue. Overheating is one potential cause of discomfort in dogs, and it can result in restlessness, panting, and kicking. Make sure your dog has access to plenty of water and a cool, shaded area to rest in to prevent overheating.

15. Cold Temperatures

It’s possible that your dog is kicking you when lying down because they’re feeling cold. Dogs tend to shiver and tuck their paws in when they’re chilly, and kicking can be a way for them to generate warmth and get comfortable. If you notice your dog doing this often, consider providing them with a warm blanket or bed to snuggle up in.

16. Seizures

It’s possible that your dog is experiencing a mild form of seizure when they kick you while lying down. Seizures in dogs can be caused by various factors, including genetic predisposition, head injury, toxins, and infections. During a seizure, a dog may experience muscle spasms and involuntary movements, which could result in them kicking, drooling, falling, or twitching.

17. Sleep-Kicking

Why does my dog randomly kick me when lying down?

Dogs sometimes twitch or kick their legs while sleeping, and it is perfectly normal behavior. This is a reflexive response that is similar to human dreams. As your dog falls into a deep sleep, their muscles may relax and twitch, causing its legs to kick or paddle. There is no need to worry as it is a natural occurrence and does not indicate any pain or discomfort in your furry friend.

Why does my dog randomly kick me when lying down?

Does Sleeping Position Matter?

Why does my dog randomly kick me when lying down?

It is possible for dogs to randomly kick their owners while lying down due to their resting positions. Many dogs prefer to sleep in different positions, such as on their back, side, tummy, or paws. The sleeping position could impact their comfort level, and dogs might react accordingly. Providing sufficient exercise and playtime to your furry friend can enhance their sleep quality by minimizing their stress levels. Therefore, it’s crucial to identify the sleeping position that makes your dog feel most comfortable to prevent unnecessary kicking or restlessness during their sleep.

How To Stop My Dog From Kicking Me?

To stop your dog from kicking you, follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Find The Reason

To stop your dog from kicking you while lying down, you must first determine the reason behind this behavior. Your dog may be trying to play with you or may feel the need to protect themselves. By identifying the cause of the behavior, you can find the most effective solution.

2. Teach Your Dog

To stop your dog from kicking you, use positive reinforcement by rewarding good behavior with treats. Ensure you have the right equipment and teach your dog how to behave properly. Consistency is key in training and ensuring to reinforce positive behavior every time it happens.

3. Reward Your Dog

To stop your dog from kicking you, it’s important to train them to display desirable behavior. Reward your dog whenever they behave well and avoid rewarding them when they kick you. Positive reinforcement techniques like treats, toys, and praise can encourage your dog to exhibit good behavior while ignoring or redirecting their bad behavior can discourage them from kicking you.


Dogs are wonderful companions that can offer comfort and loyalty to their owners. However, when a dog kicks its owner while lying down, it is important to determine the underlying reason for the behavior. When owners understand the cause of their pet’s behavior, they can take the necessary steps to resolve it and strengthen their bond with them. By being patient and attentive to their pet’s needs, owners can build a stronger and more fulfilling relationship with their dogs. After reading this article, I hope you understand “Why does my dog randomly kick me when lying down”.

Check out our other content If your dog bites you when excited or If your dog goes crazy after a walk


1. Why does my dog kick his back leg when he lies down?

Dogs kick their back legs to leave their scent and mark their territory. Dominant dogs do it to warn others to stay away. The scent glands in their feet are responsible for this behavior.

2. Why do dogs push their body against you?

Dogs push their body against you to show affection and seek comfort. Leaning against you reassures them and provides a cozy spot to rest. This behavior is common when they want to nap or feel close to their owner.

3. Why do dogs kick their legs when you put them in a certain spot?

Dogs kick their legs when you scratch their sweet spot, a cluster of nerves located under the skin. These nerves get activated and send a message to the hind leg to start kicking in an attempt to dislodge the source of irritation.

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