Why Is My Dog More Excited To See Strangers Than Me?

It can be quite perplexing and even a little disheartening when your furry friend appears more excited to greet strangers than to see you. This behavior raises a common question among dog owners: Why is my dog more excited to see strangers than me? So, In this blog post, we will discuss these reasons and some tips that help to make a strong bond with your furry friend.

Which Do Dogs Prefer, Their Owners or Strangers?

In a study by the University of Florida and Arizona State University, researchers explored whether dogs preferred interactions with their owners or strangers. The study involved observing dogs in 10-minute sessions with various scenarios. They noticed two types of behaviors among the dogs. 

why is my dog more excited to see strangers than me

The first group tended to stick close to their owners and showed minimal interest in the stranger. Meanwhile, the second group of dogs actively sought attention from both their owner and the stranger, often playfully asking for belly rubs and playtime. Surprisingly, this group seemed to seek more attention from strangers (70 percent) than their owners (30 percent). 

The location played a significant role in shaping these results, highlighting how some dogs are more inclined to interact with unfamiliar people in certain settings.

Why Does My Dog Get More Excited To See Strangers Than Me? (7 Reasons)

There could be several reasons why does my dog get so excited to see strangers. These are some possible reasons for this behavior.

why does my dog get more excited to see strangers than me

1. Novelty and Variety

Dogs are naturally curious animals, and they often get excited about new experiences and stimuli. Strangers represent novelty, while you might be a consistent and familiar presence in their lives. This novelty factor can trigger heightened excitement when encountering strangers.

2. Positive Associations

Your dog might have had positive experiences with strangers in the past, such as receiving treats, affection, or exciting playtime. These positive associations can lead to increased excitement when encountering new people.

3. Socialization

If your dog has been well-socialized from a young age, it may have developed a strong interest in interacting with other humans. Early positive interactions with different people can shape their behavior and lead to increased enthusiasm when meeting strangers.

4. Energy and Enthusiasm

Sometimes, the energy and body language of strangers might appear more inviting or exciting to your dog than your own demeanor. Dogs are highly perceptive and can pick up on subtle cues in body language and tone of voice.

5. Non-Threatening Presence

Strangers might not be perceived as a potential threat by your dog, especially if they are behaving calmly and not displaying dominant or aggressive body language. Your dog’s excitement could be a response to what they perceive as a friendly and non-threatening presence.

6. Routine vs. Novelty

Dogs often thrive on routines and familiarity, so your dog might be accustomed to your presence and therefore not react as dramatically. On the other hand, encountering a stranger disrupts the routine and triggers a more pronounced response.

7. Attention and Interaction

Dogs are social animals that often crave attention and interaction. The attention they receive from strangers might feel like a new, exciting opportunity for social engagement.

Read More:- Why do dogs rub against you.

Why Does My Dog Like Someone Else More Than Me?

There can be several reasons why does my dog like me more than anyone else.

why does my dog like someone else more than me

1. Positive Associations

Your dog might associate the other person with positive experiences, such as playtime, treats, or fun activities. Dogs are very responsive to rewards, and if this person consistently provides enjoyable experiences, your dog will naturally be drawn to them.

2. Body Language and Energy

If the other person displays confident and calm behavior, your dog might feel more comfortable and relaxed around them. On the other hand, if you’re anxious or stressed, your dog could pick up on this and might be hesitant to approach.

3. Consistency

If the other person spends more time with your dog or consistently engages in activities that your dog enjoys, the bond between them can naturally strengthen.

4. Different Approaches

People have different ways of interacting with dogs. If the other person’s approach aligns more closely with your dog’s preferences, they might naturally form a stronger bond.

5. Attention

If the other person spends quality time engaging in activities your dog loves, such as playing fetch, going for walks, or just cuddling, your dog may naturally gravitate towards them.

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Why Does My Dog Cuddle With Others But Not Me?

There could be several reasons why your dog cuddles with others but not with you. Here are some potential reasons.

why does my dog cuddle with others but not me

1. Bonding and Attachment

Dogs often form strong attachments with specific individuals, usually those who provide them with consistent care, attention, and positive experiences. If someone else has been taking care of your dog more frequently or engaging in activities your dog enjoys, they might have formed a stronger bond.

2. Socialization

Dogs that are well-socialized from a young age tend to be more comfortable around different people and may seek out cuddling from a variety of individuals. If your dog has been exposed to many people during its early developmental stages, it might feel more at ease cuddling with others.

3. Change in Routine

Dogs are creatures of habit, and changes in routine can sometimes affect their behavior. If there have been recent changes in your routine, such as travel, work schedule shifts, or other life changes, your dog’s behavior might be influenced.

4. Training and Reinforcement

If you’ve unintentionally trained your dog to avoid cuddling by responding negatively or not rewarding the behavior, your dog might have learned that cuddling with you doesn’t lead to positive outcomes.

Tips To Make Your Bond With Your Dog Stronger

Strengthening your bond with your dog is crucial for building a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Here are some tips to help you deepen your connection with your furry friend.

why is my dog more excited to see strangers than me
  • Quality Time: Spend quality time with your dog engaging in activities they enjoy, such as walks, playtime, and training sessions. Building positive associations with your presence can help reduce their excitement around strangers.
  • Training and Commands: Consistent training builds trust between you and your dog. Teaching commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come” can help you establish control in various situations, including when encountering strangers.
  • Rewards and Affection: Reward your dog with treats and affection when they exhibit calm behavior, both during your arrival and when encountering strangers. As a result, being calm leads to positive outcomes.
  • Gradual Desensitization: If your dog’s excitement is overwhelming, work on gradually desensitizing them to your arrivals. Start by practicing brief departures and arrivals, gradually increasing the time you’re away. This can help reduce the intensity of their response.

Do Dogs Pick A Favorite Person?

Yes, dogs often form strong bonds with certain people and may show a preference for one person over others. They can develop close relationships based on positive experiences, consistent care, and shared activities. Dogs might choose a favorite person based on the individual’s nurturing, attention, playtime, or simply the comfort they provide.

do dogs pick a favorite person

However, it’s important to note that dogs can have multiple people they feel close to, and their preferences might change over time depending on the interactions they have. It’s all about building a loving and trusting relationship with your furry friend!

Read More:- Why your dog randomly kicks you.

Conclusion “Why Is My Dog More Excited To See Strangers Than Me”

Your dog might be more excited to see strangers than you due to a combination of novelty and positive associations. Strangers are new and interesting, triggering curiosity and excitement. Additionally, your dog might have learned that interactions with strangers lead to fun activities or treats.

By focusing on building a strong bond, positive associations, and consistent training, you can encourage your dog to exhibit a calmer and more controlled response, fostering a healthier relationship between you and your furry companion.

NOTE:- More information can be found by clicking this link.


1. Why do dogs get excited for certain people?

Dogs get excited about certain people due to the attention and care they receive. They often bond closely with those who provide food, walks, and affection, strengthening their emotional connection and leading to excitement when they’re around.

2. Why is my dog so friendly with strangers?

Dogs’ genetic predisposition for friendliness towards humans, along with increased gene insertions and socialization, explains their natural inclination to be friendly with strangers.

3. Why does my dog want attention from everyone?

Dogs seek attention from everyone due to boredom, excess energy, or natural behaviors. They might dig or seek food out of curiosity. Even when needs are met, their social nature drives them to interact.

4. How do dogs pick their favorite person?

Dogs choose their favorite person through positive experiences and associations. Play and bonding activities, rather than just treats, help develop strong and healthy relationships between dogs and humans.

5. How do I stop my dog from getting excited when I see people?

Manage your dog’s excitement around guests by providing a timeout. Place them in a crate in a quiet room, offering treats or chews. This isn’t punishment, just a break from the commotion.

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